
  Prof Henri Marais

  Acting Director: School of Industrial Engineering
  +27 18 299 1973
  Building G15-B, Room 101, Potchefstroom

PhD, M.Eng, B.Eng

  Automated fault detection, Digital health, RFID systems

  Prof Rojanette Coetzee

   Associate Professor & Postgraduate Programme Manager: Industrial Engineering
  +27 18 299 1994
  Building G15-B, Room 108, Potchefstroom

PhD (Industrial Engineering), M.Eng (Development and Management Engineering), B.Eng (Mechanical Engineering)

  Lean manufacturing, Theory of Constraints, Human factors engineering, Operations Excellence, Agri Systems

  Prof Joke Bührmann

  Associate Professor & Postgraduate Diploma Programme Manager: Industrial Engineering
  +27 18 299 4884
  Building G15-B, Room 113, Potchefstroom

PhD (Industrial Engineering), BSc Hons (Operations Research), National Certificate in Data metrics (Decision Science), BEng (Electronic Engineering), PrEng (Industrial Engineering)

  Operations Research, Machine Learning, Approximate algorithms and Supercomputing

  Prof Dawid Serfontein

  +27 18 299 4493
  Building G15-B, Room 105, Potchefstroom

PhD (Nuclear Engineering)

  Renewable Energy and Nuclear Engineering

  Mrs Willemien Kruger

  +27 18 285 2465
  Building G15-B, Room 110, Potchefstroom

M.Eng (Development and Management Engineering), B.Eng (Industrial Engineering)

  Mrs Chantelle Du Plessis

  Lecturer & Undergraduate Programme Manager: Industrial Engineering
  +27 18 285 2518
  Building G15-B, Room 109E, Potchefstroom

M.Eng (Development and Management Engineering), B.Eng (Mechanical Engineering)

  Mrs Tanya Kok

  Junior lecturer
  Building G15-B, Room 104, Potchefstroom

B.Eng (Industrial Engineering), PrEng (Industrial Engineering)

  Mrs Maria van Zyl

  +27 18 285 2727
  Building G15-B, Room 115, Potchefstroom

M.Eng (Bedryfsingenieurswese), B.Ing (Industriële/Elektroniese Ingenieurswese)

  Operations Management (specifically operations excellence) and Operational Research applied to healthcare

  Ms Shanya Buys

  Junior lecturer
  Buidling G15-B, Room 111, Potchefstroom

B.Eng (Mechanical), M.Eng (Mechanical)

  Mr Comfort Masuku

  Junior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1852
  Building G15-B, Room 109B, Potchefstroom

BScHons (Operations Research), BScEng (Industrial Engineering)

  Machine learning

  Mr Marius Alberts

  Junior lecturer
  Building G15-B, Room 102, Potchefstroom

B.Eng (Industrial Engineering)

Extraordinary appointments

  Dr Edward Davies

  Extraordinary Senior Lecturer
  +27 82 574 3893
  Building G15-B, Room 111, Potchefstroom

ND, BTech, MTech (Electrical Engineering), DTech (Operations Management)

  Automotive, Lean, Water and Energy Efficiency, Business and operations Management

  Prof Fanie Terblanche

  Extraordinary Professor
  018 299 1524
  Bulding G15-B, Room 101, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom

B.Sc, B.Sc Hons, M.Sc, PhD (Comp Sci), PhD (Industrial Engineering)

  Optimisation in Finance, Mining, Telecommunications and Healthcare

  Dr Hasan Darwish

  Extraordinary Researcher

PhD (Development & Management Engineering) MA (Applied Ethics for Professionals) MEng (Project Management) BEng (Industrial Engineering)

  Applications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Developing Countries

  Prof Roelof Coetzer

  Extraordinary Associate Professor
  +27 713542370

PhD Mathematical Statistics

  Industrial Statistics, Data Science


  Ms Sharon Taje

  Undergraduate administrator
  018 299 4558
  Office: G15-B, Room 101, Potchefstroom

Diploma in Management Assistant