The 6th SA-UNESCO Engineering, Science and Technology Conference

23 - 27 September 2019

North-West University, Mahikeng Campus


The BRICS Network University was initiated by the DHET in 2016 and was formed through a network of universities (~60) from the BRICS countries which aimed at developing:
  • Multilateral short-term joint educational training,
  • Masters and PhD programmes, as well as
  • Joint research programmes in various knowledge fields.
BRICS NU identified six thematic areas for collaboration, namely: Energy; Computer Science and Information Security; Ecology and Climate Change; Economics; Water Resources and Pollution Treatment; and BRICS Studies. The objective is to provide a platform for the BRICS countries, particularly the leaders of International Thematic Groups (ITGs), to share research experiences and country-specific insights in these knowledge fields, and to explore possibilities for leveraging the cooperative force of BRICS UN to enhance scientific knowledge in the six thematic areas.
The North-West University (NWU) and the University of Limpopo (UL) are leading the BRICS NU International Thematic Group (ITG) on Energy for South Africa.
As part of the 6th UNESCO Engineering, Science and Technology Conference the BRICS NU ITG on Energy will have a parallel session. The aim of session is to identify common challenges and opportunities to pursue joint project and funding proposals within the ITG Energy Theme between the BNU participants.
We would like to extend an invitation to you to participate in the BRICS NU ITG for Energy workshop during the 6th UNESCO Conference.
The details for the BNU Energy Workshop are as follows:
Date: Wednesday 25 September 2019: 11h00-17h30 (registration starts 10:00) : The BNU Energy Break-out Session
Financial support: Financial support for travel cost (flights and accommodation) is available for a limited number of participants. Please contact us if you need assistance.
Note: Please contact Jan van Ravenswaay to obtain more information on the arrangements for the BRICS NU Energy Session.