Prof Liezl van Dyk
Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering +27 18 299 1532 liezl.vandyk@nwu.ac.za N1A, G41, Potchefsroom Campus, Potchefstroom PhD (Industrial Engineering), Pr.Eng, MEng (Industrial), MSc (Manufacturing Systems), PGDip (Higher Education), BEng (Industrial) (Health) Systems Engineering, Industry 4.0., Maturity Models
Prof Raj Siriram
Acting Director: Business Development and Stakeholder Engagement +27 (0) 18 299 1524 Raj.siriram@nwu.ac.za Building N1, Room G40, Potchefstroom PhD (Industrial Engineering), M.Sc (Industrial Engineering), B.Sc (Mathematics and Operations Research), HND (Mechanical Engineering) Technology and innovation, firm competitive advantages, systems thinking and project management
Prof George van Schoor
Director: School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering +27 18 299 1962 george.vanschoor@nwu.ac.za Building N1, Room 235, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom D.Eng; M.Eng; B.Eng Systems modelling , Energy systems, Control systems
Prof Attie Jonker
Acting Director: School of Mechanical Engineering +27 18 299 1325 Attie.jonker@nwu.ac.za Building G15A, Room G11, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom BSc. B-Eng, M-Eng, PhD. Light Structures, Aircraft Design
Prof Henri Marais
Acting Director: School of Industrial Engineering +27 18 299 1973 henri.marais@nwu.ac.za Building G15-B, Room 101, Potchefstroom PhD; M.Eng; B.Eng Automated fault detection; DIgital health, RFID systemsProf Hein Neomagus
Director: Centre of Excellence in Carbon-based Fuels +27 18 299 1991 Hein.neomagus@nwu.ac.za Building N1A, room 147, Potchefstroom PhD (Chem Eng University of Twente) Reactors, energy processes, emissions control
Prof Rojanette Coetzee
Associate Professor & Postgraduate Programme Manager: Industrial Engineering 018 299 1994 Rojanette.Coetzee@nwu.ac.za Building G15-B, Room 108, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom B.Eng (Mechanical) M.Eng (Development & Management) PhD (Industrial Engineering) Lean manufacturing, Theory of Constraints, Human factors engineering, Operations Excellence
Mr Gideon van Rensburg
Faculty Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator +27 18 299 1982 gideon.vanrensburg@nwu.ac.za N1B, Room 115, Potchefstroom B.Eng (Chemical)
Ms Bernice Mackenzie
Faculty Administrator +27 18 299 4078 Bernice.Mackenzie@nwu.ac.za N1A G30, Potchefstroom BCom Human Resources, Masters in Business Administration
Ms Mientjie Botha
Faculty Accountant +27 18 2991528 12764973@nwu.ac.za N1A G105, Potchefstroom B.Com Hons. Financial Accounting
Ms Vanda Pretorius
Quality Coordinator +27 18 299 1972 vanda.pretorius@nwu.ac.za N1A Office G34, Potchefstroom Project Management (cum laude) NQF level 4 Quality Coordinator for Faculty and Centre for Engineering Education