The Faculty of Engineering is very excited to meet our new first years and we are looking forward in being part of your university experience. We would like to give you some inside information on how to survive your first year on campus! You are going to be amazed by all the exciting things that lies ahead...

Useful contact details

Faculty of Engineering- Course queries: 
Ms Retha Potgieter - 018 299 1534
Mrs Liané van den Bergh - 018 299 1665 

IT service desk: 
Building F20, Room G49

Printing and design: 
Building E8, Room 32 

All night coffee: 
Wimpie, at the Bult 

Best burgers in town: 
Beef Boys, Cachet Park
018 293 2838 

Mr Delivery: 
018 2976760 

Lost student card: 
Department Protection Services
018 299 2209 

Locked your keys in the car: 
Department Protection Services
018 299 1929 

Wasklip, at the Bult
076 299 1929 

Cachet pharmacy
018 294 4202 

Medicross: For dentists, doctors etc.
018 293 7800



Jargon demystified


Student Centre – Your tummy would want you to know where this is.

'Spinnekop' building:
The Natural Sciences building is often referred to as the 'Spinnekop' building. You'll understand it when you see it.

The NW Library:
This is the library in the 'Spinnekop' building, where you'll find most of the literature applicable to Engineering.

There are two on campus. One linking the main campus to west campus, where a large number of residences are located, and the other one linking main campus to the Engineering campus. So basically one road leading to your bed, the other one to class….

Lovers lane:
The shady path leading from the SS in the direction of the main gate, past the Admin building.

Short for Fanie du Toit sports grounds.

The plot of land behind the Fanie, where you'll spend a significant amount of time during Jool week.

The Calvyn fountain in front of the PUK Main building. Although frowned upon by authorities, you may or may not choose to swim in it at least once in your student career.

The Draak:
Name of the restaurant on campus. Sometimes, but not often, referred to as the Drakenstein restaurant. That's usually how you know someone isn't from here.

Swiss bull:
One of the specialities of the above mentioned restaurant. It can be described as… um.. Just have one and decide for yourself!

Jonge Akker vs Akker:
The Akker is the coffee shop at the Bult. The Jonge Akker is the one on campus. Important details, especially if the success of a first coffee date depends on it.

The coffee shop in the main library. For caffeine fueled study marathons.

The NWU Puk mascot. Strange looking, but lovable.


The Bult:
A street near campus, with coffee shops, printers, laundromat etc. And it's actually quite flat!

A well known watering hole on the Bult.

The corner store on the Bult. Best cheese rolls in town!

A building near the industrial area. Often used for large events, markets etc.


To choose to guess what will be asked in the exam or test, and only study that part of the information. Probably not the best idea.

To rewrite the exam at the second opportunity, possibly because you applied the above mentioned tactic.

Practical class or exam where you will be required to build, measure and interpret something. It usually entails writing a report too.

Tut class:
Pronounced as 'Tat class' – Tutorial class

A student assistant

Important dates


Lectures and practical work

First semester:          2018-02-05 – 2018-05-29
First quarter:             2018-02-05 – 2018-03-30
Second quarter:       2018-04-09 – 2018-05-29

Second semester:    2018-07-16 – 2018-10-25
Third quarter:            2018-07-16 – 2018-09-19
Fourth quarter:         2018-10-08 – 2018-10-25

Autumn recess:        2018-03-31 – 2018-04-08 (classes commence 9 April)
Winter recess:           2018-06-23 – 2018-07-15 (classes commence 16 July)
Spring recess:           2018-09-30 – 2018-10-07 (classes commence 8 October)
Summer recess:       2018-12-06 – (classes commence in 2019)

June examination:                 2018-05-30 – 2018-06-22
Second examination:           2018-07-04 – 2018-07-14
November examination:     2018-10-26 – 2018-11-17
Second examination:           2018-11-24 – _2018-12-05


For information in regards with the mathematics refresher course, please click HERE.


School of Industrial Engineering

School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering


School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering


Imagine you could change the world...

Modular Social Entrepreneurship


Additive Manufacturing

Industry 4.0

Chemical Engineering: Beer, Cheese and Coffee Liqueur Festival